Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of updates and art stuff, (still alive here). For the past few weeks, I've been busy with some writing (mainly CU season 2), and focusing on my video game, Traversion, making it look nice and polish. I'll probably post some up here, at least the character art so far.
So some quick updates; I am fairly confident by next week I'll be finished with writing CrimZon Universe Season 2, which takes place in the world of Naruto. In the meantime, as I said I will be focusing on my Traversion game, but I'll also be going back to drawing up some more anime art this weekend, or within the next week.
Firstly, the new cover art for my the CU season I plan on making, a character pinup like the other ones, though I'm still deciding whom I should use as the model.
Secondly, my third superhero cosplay art, featuring Raix outfitted as the Flash from DC comics.
Thirdly, another cosplay art, themed for Division 2 - did I mention I'm playing that right now? Well, if not, I am, and it's pretty fun - a worthy investment. As for which character I'm planning on using, that is also still up for debate.
Fourthly, a sexy fanart piece. But of who, you might be wondering. Well, I'll be holding up a poll with a list I'm still compiling from both recent animes, video games, etc. The poll will be held in a few days, and I will be providing more information on that soon.
That's all for now! Enjoy the rest of your day.
P.s - I also might hold another twitch stream session on one of the new upcoming drawings, but more details on that will be given out later.